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Nesohu's Learn and Share

Describing the world thru my eyes and share my stories and findings with others.

Germany Travel Log Updated:

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

JID Photoghaphy

Event photography has never been something new to me. But yet, getting photos taken and expected to deliver it before the end of the evening is a new challenge I have to face. Before the event, there are more stuffs to pack

1. PC with LCD into 2 large suitcases (incl cables, chargers, power stabilizers)
2. Laptop & extra CD burner for backup
3. Camera equipments ( D300, 3 lenses, 1 flash, 2 tripods, and whole lot of memory.
4. Design a marketing plan to sell the CDs

When we arrive at the venue, I scratch my head on how to bring all these stuffs down. Thanks to Christopher, we managed to get a trolley from the reception and setup the booth inside the ballroom.

But since we are in a short of time (4 hours of prep), Irene was rushing until her hands shiver when cutting the words out. But the results does pay off..

Fig1: Irene taking care of the booth

That night, I was busy up and down the stage, not only to take photos of the winners, but also getting up there to receive my awards.

Fig2: Receiving the award for "Toastmasters of the Year"

Fig3: Photo with the other winners of Area Level

Throughout the event, I'm really thankful that Irene helped me up in the booth - promoting, collecting payments, burning CDs and issuing tickets.

Fig4: Photography as a business


After the event, there's post processing, compiling and labeling all the CDs.

Fig5: Final Product - CD menu

Fig6: Autography session by Irene

Lesson Learn:
Taking good photographs has become easier with the help of digital cameras, but being a professional photographer's path has not. For a 14-hour assignment like this, do you think i'm making any profit charging RM15 per CD? But there are over 400people attending, and I hope that I'll receive more calls to cover other paid events

My parents came over to have a look at my booth before the event. I believe they do support me in this dream I have, just like how they would support me when I stood on stage singing my 1st song in kindergarden. Thanks Pa, Ma & Irene.

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